Imam’s presence in Nofel Loshato brought about spiritual pleasure

Imam’s presence in Nofel Loshato brought about spiritual pleasure

A memoirs by Ferdowsi-pour

It has been reported through a series of memoirs that Imam’s presence brought about spiritual pleasure for the French residents in Nofel Loshato.

The local residents were eager to see congregational prayers led by Imam in the area, especially on Sunday.  

Sunday was a holiday and devotees and supporters of the Islamic Revolution from across Europe used to gather close to Imam’s residence in order to say prayers and listen Imam’s instruction and guidance.

Sometime anti-revolution elements or hypocrites used to ignite quarrel in order to upset the locals and poison the calm atmosphere.

But Imam later sent flowers and sweets for neighbors at the Christmas and other holiday occasions and sought apology for any inconvenience due to gatherings.

Imam used to manage any unwanted incidence with his wisdom and rationality

This caused a deep love for Imam to be promoted in the heart of local residents about Imam and the revolution.  

A memoirs by Ferdowsi-pour

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