Pakistani Women Undescore Imam Khomeini`s Role as Global Leader

Pakistani Women Undescore Imam Khomeini's Role as Global Leader

The Islamic Revolution led by Imam Khomeini was the greatest event in the Iranian and contemporary history, a Pakistani woman made the remarks in 25th departure anniversary of Imam Khomeini.

Monday, June 02, 2014 07:06

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Imam Khomeini Restored Dignity to Muslims: Thai Scholar

Imam Khomeini Restored Dignity to Muslims: Thai Scholar

A prominent Thai scholar says the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran blessed the entire Muslim society with unprecedented esteem and restored dignity to them.

Saturday, March 15, 2014 01:21

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Muslim Governments Need to Follow Imam Ideology: Comoros National Assembly Speaker

Muslim Governments Need to Follow Imam Ideology: Comoros National Assembly Speaker

In order to defend the rights of the oppressed nations we should follow the way of Imam which is the same way adopted by the divine prophets, said the Speaker of the Comoros National Assembly.

Monday, February 24, 2014 04:02

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International Summit on Imam Khomeini Held in India

International Summit on Imam Khomeini Held in India

An international summit in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad has disused Imam’s dynamic thought and various perspectives of his unique religious and spiritual personality.

Saturday, May 11, 2013 01:50

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An interview with a foreign guest attending the International conference on the Islamic Unity, Tehran, January 2013: We found him as a brave Muslim leader, such a leader who never ashamed of being true follower of Islam...

Thursday, February 07, 2013 05:28

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