A Comparative Study of the Concept of "Global Justice" in Imam Khomeini`s Political Thought and Neo-Gramscianism

A Comparative Study of the Concept of "Global Justice" in Imam Khomeini's Political Thought and ...

The concept of quot global justice quot is a core concept in imam khomeini's thought which substantially contributes to a profound understanding of his ideas . However, understanding other thinkers' points of view in this regard, besides Imam Khomeini, may result in a more comprehensive understanding of this concept. The present study, considering the importance of addressing this challenge, aimed to review the approximation of Imam Khomeini's political thought and that of Neo Gramscian theoreticians about the concept of global justice.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022 07:38

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Towards the Critical Discourse Analysis of Imam Khomeini`s Will: Determining Ideological Discourse toward EFL Learning.

Towards the Critical Discourse Analysis of Imam Khomeini's Will: Determining Ideological Discourse ...

The researcher showed that Imam Khomeini’s will had a significant inclination toward applying verb tense as a means for ideological act in the text as well as action sentences and passive sentences. Moreover Imam Khomeini enhanced pluralism against individualism.

Wednesday, April 06, 2022 03:07

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Lebanese academics recall Iran`s 1979 Revolution

Lebanese academics recall Iran's 1979 Revolution

Forty-three years have passed since Imam Khomeini, whose charisma remains a sacred trait for many, stepped out of a plane arriving in Tehran from Paris to declare the victory of an unprecedented revolution in modern times.

Tuesday, February 08, 2022 10:37

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Turkish university students pay visit Razavi University of Islamic Sciences

Turkish university students pay visit Razavi University of Islamic Sciences

A group of Turkish university students have paid a visit to Imam Reza holy shrine and Razavi University of Islamic Sciences during an academic tour of Iran and the shrine city of Mashhad.

Tuesday, February 01, 2022 10:11

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Imam Khomeini was anti-Zionist, not anti-Judaism: Richard Falk

Imam Khomeini was anti-Zionist, not anti-Judaism: Richard Falk

Richard Falk who met Imam Khomeini has said , "Imam Khomeini made clear his opposition to Israel although he was also clear that he regarded Judaism as an authentic religion deserving respect."

Sunday, January 30, 2022 08:54

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Imam Khomeini`s Foreign Policy: Conceptual Framework, Perspectives and Challenges.

Imam Khomeini's Foreign Policy: Conceptual Framework, Perspectives and Challenges.

Imam Khomeini, stating this important theory that "the source of conflicts and disagreements is selfishness, and yet peace will be an unreachable wish of humanity", had firm belief in the fundamental ethics, accountability and realist idealism in the foreign policy. By understanding all of the above components, one can inquire into the depth of Imam Khomeini's thought in drawing up a road map for peaceful coexistence despite the belief in the establishment of a divine sovereignty, mutual respect for the sovereignty of the countries.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022 10:36

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Religion and Democracy in Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei’s Thoughts" has thoroughly been examined

Religion and Democracy in Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei’s Thoughts" has thoroughly been ...

The present paper will explain the religious democracy in the ideologies of leaders of the Islamic republic of Iran (Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei), with in three theoretical, principles and components of religious democracy. In the thoughts of Imam Khomeini and ayatollah Khamenei there is a firm link between religion and politics, and democracy originates from religion.

Monday, January 17, 2022 10:22

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