Iranian official says World community has had enough of unilateral US policies

Iranian official says World community has had enough of unilateral US policies

A senior Iranian official says the international community has grown sick and tired of America's unilateralism, and that world nations such as China and Russia as well as Washington's own European allies have today chosen to stand up to the US.

Thursday, February 21, 2019 01:50

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Imam Khomeini exposed Rushdie`s blasphemy

Imam Khomeini exposed Rushdie's blasphemy

In this case also Imam just undertook to issue a decree in accordance with the laws of Islam on Rushdie's act, while others may directly go for execution and then take the responsibility.

Monday, February 18, 2019 10:55

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‘Imam Khomeini was staunch advocate of Muslim unity’

‘Imam Khomeini was staunch advocate of Muslim unity’

The visiting chief of Iran’s religious institutions, Ayatullah Ali Raza Araafi addressing a seminar in Pakistan has stressed that Islam is the religion of peace, struggle and political vision, Pakistan's "The News", an English paper reported. Great Iranian leader Imam Khomeini brought about an Islamic revolution which was aimed at uniting all Muslims and inviting all religions and nations to join hands for countering the evil forces.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019 12:13

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World people see Iran as a role model against global arrogance.

World people see Iran as a role model against global arrogance.

Iran is the only country in the world that is standing up to tyranny and oppression, says a political commentator, as the Islamic Republic marks 40 years since the revolution that established it.

Monday, February 11, 2019 08:41

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Iranians hold nationwide rallies to support Islamic Revolution on 40th anniversary

Iranians hold nationwide rallies to support Islamic Revolution on 40th anniversary

Millions of Iranians from all backgrounds have taken to the streets around the country to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution at a time of intensified US-led pressure.

Monday, February 11, 2019 11:00

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An examination of talking models of Imam Khomeini (PBUH) and the bases of that that is in the Quran and Hadith

An examination of talking models of Imam Khomeini (PBUH) and the bases of that that is in the Quran ...

Imam Khomeini (peace be upon him) based on beliefs bases emanating from the teachings of the generous Quran and the teachings of the innocent leaders has come to know principles and are attendant to them and they have influenced various aspects of his sayings including the appearance, method and the content of them.

Wednesday, January 02, 2019 11:26

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 Europe refutes Trump`s administration plan on Palestine

Europe refutes Trump's administration plan on Palestine

Eight European Union member states have warned that US President Donald Trump’s plan on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is yet to be unveiled, will not be successful if it fails to take into account internationally-agreed parameters for peace, namely a two-state solution along the pre-1967 boundaries.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018 11:11

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 Imam Khomeini hailed Ayatollah Seyed Hassan Modarres` parliamentary role

Imam Khomeini hailed Ayatollah Seyed Hassan Modarres' parliamentary role

Imam Khomeini used to praise Ayatollah Seyed Hassan Modarres role in parliament, who shielded the Islamic values and criticized the Shah regime while he was elected a lawmaker.

Saturday, December 01, 2018 10:47

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