The president of the Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organizations (MAPIM) said the victory of Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution under the leadership of Imam Khomeini was truly a historic moment for the entire world. He made remarks on the passing anniversary of Imam in the month of June this year.
Saturday, December 11, 2021 11:36
Shia Muslims celebrate the birthday anniversary of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) as well as Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (PBUH) on 17th Rabi' al-awwal. Imam Khomeini once said, "Here is a land of The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household). This land belongs to Imam Sadiq.”
Sunday, October 24, 2021 06:04
The honorable prophet of Islam left behind the "Thaqalayn" (the holy Qur'an and his pure progeny) for the guidance of the Muslims and the whole world.
Tuesday, October 05, 2021 12:29
Prominent Iranian cleric Ayatollah Hassan Hasanzadeh Amoli, a philosopher, jurist, mystic and professor of seminary courses, has passed away at the age of 93.
Sunday, September 26, 2021 10:05
ome 15 million students have started the new school year in Iran, where President Ebrahim Raeisi stressed that no one should be left behind in having access to education because of poverty.
Saturday, September 25, 2021 11:01
The late founder of the Islamic Republic through his historic speeches recommended to follow footsteps of the infallible Imams, the truthful successor of the holy prophet, who revived genuine Islamic teachings and values.
Sunday, July 11, 2021 06:05
An Iraqi scholar says the Islamic Republic founded by Imam Khomeini has been successful in strengthening the might of Muslim resistance movements in different countries,
Monday, June 07, 2021 03:55
Ali Akbar Mohtashamipur, who has been a fellow and pupil of Imam Khomeini and rendered great services following the victory of Islamic Revolution, has passed away.
Monday, June 07, 2021 08:10