Tehran says the United States is a record-holder of interfering in the affairs of independent states, naming the US-orchestrated coup of 1953 in Iran as an instance of that “dark history.”
Friday, August 19, 2022 12:41
At the time, Iranian great poet Amir Houshang Ebtehaj, wrote a piece of poetry to praise Imam Khomeini’s leadership and predicted the full victory of the Islamic Revolution.
Wednesday, August 10, 2022 04:00
Imam Khomeini through his historic speeches and messages described Muharram as the month of heroism, bravery, and sacrifice.
Tuesday, August 02, 2022 10:43
The dignified Iranian nation, under the astute leadership of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, freed itself from the yoke of the global arrogance.
Saturday, July 02, 2022 07:00
Organized by IQNA, the webinar was held on Wednesday morning with the participation of four speakers from Iran, Lebanon, and Bahrain.
Wednesday, June 01, 2022 12:47
Grand Ayatollah Imam Khomeini, the Great Leader of the Islamic Revolution, has been an irreplaceable figure in the contemporary history of Iran and has had a decisive and fundamental impact on Iran's contemporary political, social and religious arenas.
Wednesday, June 01, 2022 11:54
Decisiveness and irreconcilableness were characteristics that made a unique successful leader. Imam condemned any compromise with regime and its supporters. He even disagreed with "step by step" offer of the politicians.
Tuesday, April 12, 2022 11:30
In Imam Khomeini’s opinion, if a person is the most knowledgeable in Religion Science, but fails to recognize the expedient of society or generally lacks in insight the social and political context and in decision making power, this person is not Mujtahid in social and governance issues and cannot take the reigns of the community.
Tuesday, April 05, 2022 10:47