Imam Khomeini Explained real Message of Quranic Verses

Imam Khomeini Explained real Message of Quranic Verses

Imam Khomeini, the religious and spiritual leader of the Muslim world frequently used to emphasize on explaining the real message and objectives of the Quranic verses

Sunday, December 07, 2014 02:25

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Conference for Ethical-Mystical Ideas of Imam Khomeini

Conference for Ethical-Mystical Ideas of Imam Khomeini

Chairman of the Conference: Ayatollah Abdollah Javadi Amoli Time of Observation: 7-8 Khordad,1382 Place: Auditorium for the meetings in Imam Khomeini’s Seminary

Saturday, October 18, 2014 11:42

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Conference of Imam Khomeini and the Thought of Islamic Government

Conference of Imam Khomeini and the Thought of Islamic Government

Chairman of the Conference: Ayatollah Ma’refat Time of Organization: 6-8 Bahman 1378 Place of Conference: Auditorium of Shayk Mofid, Qom

Saturday, October 18, 2014 11:22

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Conference to Review Influence of Imam Khomeini(s) and Islamic Revolution on Contemporary Literature

Conference to Review Influence of Imam Khomeini(s) and Islamic Revolution on Contemporary Literature

chairman: Hujjat-al-Islam Bahjati(Shafaq) Time of Organization: 18-20, Mehr 1377 Place of Conference: Isfahan

Saturday, October 18, 2014 11:15

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Second International Conference of Imam Khomeini(s) and the Ashura Culture

Second International Conference of Imam Khomeini(s) and the Ashura Culture

Chairman: M Wa’ezzadeh Khorasani Time: 11-13, Khordad 1375 Place: Tehran University, Tehran

Saturday, October 18, 2014 10:55

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Role of Time and Place in Religious Leadership

Role of Time and Place in Religious Leadership

Chairman of the Conference: Ayatollah Sayyed Mahmud Hashemi Chairman of Scientific Committee: his Eminence Kazem Qazizadeh Time: Isfand 1374 Place: University of Qom in Qom

Saturday, October 18, 2014 10:53

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International Conference of Imam Khomeini(s) and the Ashura Culture

International Conference of Imam Khomeini(s) and the Ashura Culture

Chairman: Sayyed Mohammad Khatami Time: 11th & 12th Khordad 1374 Place: Conference Auditorium of Organization for Hajj & Pilgrimage

Saturday, October 18, 2014 10:51

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The Institute Publishes Imam`s Letter to his Beloved Wife on birthday of Lady M`asumah (s)

The Institute Publishes Imam's Letter to his Beloved Wife on birthday of Lady M'asumah (s)

I really wish you were here. There is a beautiful scene of the city and the sea. Alas! My dear beloved is not here with me; then how enjoyable the scene would be.

Saturday, September 07, 2013 03:03

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