Imam Khomeini`s hints about Quranic exegesis

Imam Khomeini's hints about Quranic exegesis

Imam in his theological works explains It should be known that tafsir (exegesis) of this blessed Sarah and that of the beginning verses of Surat al-Hadid is beyond the capacity of the likes of us, and, in fact, outside the scope of the present discourse.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022 08:02

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Imam Khomeini considers the Holy Quran as the reflection of the universe

Imam Khomeini considers the Holy Quran as the reflection of the universe

Imam Khomeini considers the Holy Quran as the reflection of the universe and mirror of all divine names and attributes of Almighty Allah.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021 08:12

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Muslims, devotees observe birthday anniversary of Holy Prophet and Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (PBUH) worldwide

Muslims, devotees observe birthday anniversary of Holy Prophet and Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (PBUH) ...

Shia Muslims celebrate the birthday anniversary of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) as well as Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (PBUH) on 17th Rabi' al-awwal. Imam Khomeini once said, "Here is a land of The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household). This land belongs to Imam Sadiq.”

Sunday, October 24, 2021 06:04

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Seyyed Hassan Khomeini highlights moral and ethical perspective of Imam’s personality

Seyyed Hassan Khomeini highlights moral and ethical perspective of Imam’s personality

The grandson of Imam Khomeini says the late founder of the Islamic Republic in his very essence had been a moral mentor and an ethics teacher.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 08:32

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Imam Khomeini pointed out fatal moral diseases and consequences

Imam Khomeini pointed out fatal moral diseases and consequences

Imam Khomeini through his theological works has explained that a person afflicted with ‘ujb should know that this vice sows the seeds of many other vices and serves as the source of such offences.

Monday, September 06, 2021 03:47

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Imam Khomeini encouraged resolve to return to God

Imam Khomeini encouraged resolve to return to God

Imam Khomeini advised humans to desist from transgression, resolve to return to God, and acquire a mien similar to that of true human being.

Saturday, July 24, 2021 11:56

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