Senior clerics warn of plot to create strife in Iraq, Lebanon

Senior clerics warn of plot to create strife in Iraq, Lebanon

Iraq’s top Shia cleric Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani andTehran’s Friday prayers leader Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahedi Kermani has expressed support for reforms in Iraq and Lebanon amid popular protests in the two countries, but warned of hostile elements seeking to destabilize the countries.

Friday, November 01, 2019 01:13

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Revolution under Imam Khomeini, unprecedented phenomenon of 20th century

Revolution under Imam Khomeini, unprecedented phenomenon of 20th century

Observers maintain that Iranian Revolution under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini has been a unique and unprecedented phenomenon of this century.The founder of the Islamic Republic established and strengthened the democratic institutions following the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Sunday, October 06, 2019 01:28

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Imam Khomeini paved long way for self-purification

Imam Khomeini paved long way for self-purification

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, undertook serious efforts for purification of the self since very early stages of his life.

Saturday, October 05, 2019 10:33

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Trump`s anti-Palestinian policies ignite tensions acros Mideast

Trump's anti-Palestinian policies ignite tensions acros Mideast

The occupied Palestinian territories have witnessed new tensions ever since US President Donald Trump announced his decision on December 6 last year to recognize Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel’s capital and relocate the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to the occupied city.

Monday, September 30, 2019 03:49

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President  Rouhani says US sanctions strengthen unity between Iranian nation, government:

President Rouhani says US sanctions strengthen unity between Iranian nation, government:

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani says Washington’s “maximum pressure” campaign has failed to achieve its objectives and only strengthened unity between the government and people.

Thursday, September 26, 2019 01:58

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Imam Khomeini mentioned deep religious concepts in form of poetry

Imam Khomeini mentioned deep religious concepts in form of poetry

Imam has mentioned several ethical, moral and religious concepts in form of poetry.The collection of poetry of the Muslim world's spiritual and religious leader has been published in English, Arabic, Urdu, Chinese and some other languages.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019 05:05

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