Obedience to God gives ample spiritual pleasure, Imam Khomeini highlighted

Obedience to God gives ample spiritual pleasure, Imam Khomeini highlighted

Imam Khomeini through his theological works highlighted that you will also notice that obedience to God gives ample pleasure.

Friday, March 03, 2023 10:58

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An examination of the thoughts and training and cultural works of Imam Khomeini

An examination of the thoughts and training and cultural works of Imam Khomeini

Imam Khomeini’s training system is a segment of a comprehensive system and he has been its founder and architect and implementation of components and the result of that training system meaning training of human beings who are the result of that training system and what comes tomorrow with respect to the latter belongs to them. The guarantee for the survival and continuation of that system will be comprehensive and valuable.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022 11:34

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Cultural Problems of the Muslim World and Their Solutions According to Imam Khomeini.

Cultural Problems of the Muslim World and Their Solutions According to Imam Khomeini.

According to Imam Khomeini, the results indicated that the cultural problems of the Muslim world are rooted in spiritual dependence and self destruction against the West. The characteristics of an ideal society from Imam Khomeini are cultural independence, divine law authority, the transforming community to a divine human being, freedom of thought, and pondering Islamic awareness and awakening. To achieve such a society, he seeks a solution to the unity of the Muslim world and the severance of cultural ties with the West.

Monday, November 14, 2022 10:50

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God will help you in performing all worldly and religious duties, Imam Khomeini explained

God will help you in performing all worldly and religious duties, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini advised believers to decorate themselves with divine virtues. In this way, I hope, that Satan will be driven away, and the Divine forces will prevail.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022 08:50

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Self-examination would not hinder your day-to-day activity, Divine forces will prevail

Self-examination would not hinder your day-to-day activity, Divine forces will prevail

Imam Khomeini assured believers and faithful people that this practice of self-criticism and self-examination would not hinder your day-to-day activity.

Wednesday, August 03, 2022 01:03

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