This world is the abode of duty and the farm of the Hereafter, Imam Khomeini explained

This world is the abode of duty and the farm of the Hereafter, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini explained through his theological works that this world is a place of trade and earning whereas the Hereafter is the abode of reward and punishment.

Monday, December 27, 2021 10:20

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Imam Khomeini influenced other world leaders, among them was Mikhail Gorbachev

Imam Khomeini influenced other world leaders, among them was Mikhail Gorbachev

In January of 1989, Imam Khomeini wrote a letter to the former premier of the Soviet Union that contained much wisdom and sound advice, the value of which endures to this day. Imam Khomeini Undoubtedly one of the greatest leaders of the twentieth century, Imam Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini, not only was the spiritual force behind the Islamic Revolution in Iran, but also influenced other world leaders, among them was Mikhail Gorbachev.

Monday, December 27, 2021 11:28

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The reason behind Imam`s transfer from Turkish city of Istanbul to Bursa

The reason behind Imam's transfer from Turkish city of Istanbul to Bursa

Following the exile, the Shah regime and its allies did not want Imam Khomeini get his message from the Turkish port city of Istanbul across the globe.

Sunday, December 26, 2021 09:03

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Imam Khomeini`s message continue to attract young people across globe

Imam Khomeini's message continue to attract young people across globe

Imam Khomeini's global message continue to attract devotees across various parts of the world and have spiritually transformed them as divine figures.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021 09:41

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Imam and revolution message must be communicated via convincing method

Imam and revolution message must be communicated via convincing method

The acting head of the institute says all efforts should be undertaken to communicate the realities of the Islamic revolution and messages of Imam to the young generation.

Thursday, December 16, 2021 12:39

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Hearts must turn towards love for God Almighty

Hearts must turn towards love for God Almighty

Imam Khomeini explained that as long as self-love lies embedded in his essence, he will not reach the station of the sincere (mukhlisun) and the lovers of God.

Sunday, December 12, 2021 09:54

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Imam Khomeini advised faithful people to strengthen their spiritual powers to acquire nobility of character

Imam Khomeini advised faithful people to strengthen their spiritual powers to acquire nobility of ...

Imam Khomeini advised faithful people to strengthen their spiritual powers, to acquire nobility of character, and to gain spirituality and piety [taqwa].

Sunday, December 12, 2021 12:50

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Transgressors occasionally reach such a point when they become proud of their evil deeds, Ima Khomeini explained

Transgressors occasionally reach such a point when they become proud of their evil deeds, Ima ...

Imam through his theological works explains that the bad deeds of unbelievers, hypocrites, polytheists, atheists, villains, sinners, and transgressors occasionally reach such a point when they become proud of their evil deeds and think highly of themselves.

Friday, December 03, 2021 11:13

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