

Wednesday, July 25, 2012 10:15

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Blessings of the Lunar Month Sha`ban

Supplications of the Month of Sha`ban Are the Greatest Sources of Divine Teachings

Blessings of the Lunar Month Sha`ban

I extend my felicitations for this great and glorious Islamic-religious feast to the respected audience and the authorities of the country and to the rest of the oppressed strata of the world and especially to the glorious nation of Iran. Today we are in the blessed month of Sha`ban, and the supplications of Sha`ban are among the greatest and most glorious of Divine teachings and are among the biggest affairs, which those that are of the pious can to the extent of their understanding benefit from them.

Saturday, June 23, 2012 01:26

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Martyrdom of Mustafa Chamran

Imam Khomeini's Message

Martyrdom of Mustafa Chamran

Dear Chamran spent a lifetime- from start to end with a grand divine purpose and a pure and untainted ideology without attachment to any political groups and bands. His life was dedicated to gaining the light of divine knowledge and earning proximity to God and he strove on that path and sacrificed his life for it. He lived and died in honor and attained to the Truth.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012 09:21

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Expansion of Monotheism and Presentation of the Truth of the World, Goal behind Mission of Prophets

The Prophet of Islam, the Noblest of Beings and the Most Perfect Human Being

Expansion of Monotheism and Presentation of the Truth of the World, Goal behind Mission of Prophets

The universe was never before and will never after be graced with a blessing such as the sacred being of the Noble Messenger of Islam. This auspicious being is the noblest of God's creations, the most perfect human being ever, and is the greatest guide of mankind. [1]

Sunday, June 17, 2012 01:29

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Sayyid Hassan Khomeini: Believing in God is the Essence of Humanity

The Religious Minorities at Jamaran Husseinieh (Part III)

Sayyid Hassan Khomeini: Believing in God is the Essence of Humanity

Hojatoleslam Sayyid Hassan Khomeini, who had attended among the religious leaders and scholars at the Jamaran Husseinieh, pointed to monotheism as the common point of all religions and stated: “Based on the Quranic verses, the followers of the divine books should all gather around one common point and that point is nothing but monotheism.”

Friday, June 01, 2012 01:26

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``Sahifeh-ye Imam`` will be republished in English

International Affairs Department of the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works manages to republish Sahifeh-ye Imam in English

''Sahifeh-ye Imam'' will be republished in English

Republishing of Valuable collection of 22-volume of Sahifeh-ye Imam in English language comes after a warm welcome by foreign readers and audiences in various parts of the world.

Saturday, March 24, 2012 09:23

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Sayyid Ahmad’s political thoughts

Sayyid Ahmad’s political thoughts

In any society based on situations and conditions, thoughts and ideas are developed, and if these thoughts become stable and active they could change to rules for the officials. After the victory of the Islamic revolution various thought were developed and one of them was Sayyid Ahmad’s thoughts. Through this article first we’ll discuss Sayyid Ahmad’s role in preserving the historical heritage of the revolution and Imam, then we’ll talk about his political thoughts as the most important principle in a ruling system based on Islamic principles. The important features in his political thoughts were people, freedom of thought and accepting criticism. He was among the first preachers of freedom of thought after the revolution.

Thursday, March 15, 2012 03:10

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