What are Imam Khomeini's strategies and plans within an Islamic state to confront enemies?

Imam Khomeini's political strategy is implemented in two levels of theory and practice, which are accomplished based on a chronological order. Here, by theory we mean that kind of intellectual awakening which precedes any political action and can be boosted through promotion and education. On the significance of education in paving the ground for establishing a political system, Imam explains:

It is our duty to begin exerting ourselves now in order to establish a truly Islamic government. We must propagate our cause to the people, instruct them in it, and convince them of its validity. We must generate a wave of intellectual awakening, to emerge as a current throughout society, and gradually, to take shape as organized Islamic movement made up of the awakened, committed, and religious masses who will rise up and establish an Islamic government. (Islamic Government, pp. 113-14)

From Imam's viewpoint political transformations are not taken place unless there are political doctrines and ideas.

Imam's theory of Islamic Government, identified with three features of ''independency," "freedom," and "Islamic Republic," in fact, constitutes ideological foundation of an Islamic system, which must be supported in turn by people in a form of religious democracy.

Development of social relations along with public participation in religiopolitical gatherings such as Quds day is also important in Imam's ideology to strengthen the unity of Ummah and echo the voice of nations across the globe.

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