Dr. Farideh Mostafawi, Imam Khomeini’s second daughter
Imam Loves You So Much
The opinions of Imam’s close friends and relatives about his personal life based on what they have seen and heard.
ID: 30537
Date: 2012/03/19
What I’ve heard from the lady’s friend is that they all lived that Imam really loved the lady. Whenever it was a talk about Imam and the lady, everyone would have said: “Imam loves you so much.” The women had understood this from the lady and men from Imam. It was like a common understanding among everyone.
It was actually like this, beside his respect to the lady, Imam loved her and we could have understood it clearly. Imam showed these both in his words and manner and he also expressed his love to the lady, and not only at the presence of the lady but also in her absence. When the lady was going to Tehran and leaving Imam he would have frown and wouldn’t speak but the day the lady was returning he was very happy from morning and would have told the children that your mother is coming today, make the house and foods ready.
The lady used to say: “Though we had some difficulties in our life and we had a simple clergy life but this life was tolerable for me in two points. First that I saw most of the clergy students lived like us. Secondly when I saw people that were wealthy, but always argued which each other in their lives and the men didn’t behave well with their wives, I always thanked God that Imam always respected me and he didn’t even called me “you” and I found my life better than those.”